How to Become a Good Dancer – Step One: Overcoming Fear & Procrastination



You’ve watched the old Astaire & Rogers movies and wondered “how”? How can anyone look
so graceful and glide across the floor so confidently and flawlessly?

When you went on that cruise with your spouse and you saw all of those couples dancing closely
on the dance floor, did you wish that you and your partner were dancing cheek to cheek as well?

Remember the wedding that you attended recently – or maybe even your own wedding –
and the dread which overcame you when you realized that you…yes, YOU…were going to be
showcasing your inexperience on the dance floor for everyone you know and love to see?

Maybe you’ve been waiting to learn with a lifetime partner…or perhaps you’re dating now,
but still haven’t taken that first lesson? Or maybe you’re having difficulty building up the
confidence to hit the clubs and venture out onto the dance floor to meet new people?


1. The number one response to this question is always FEAR! Many people are afraid that
they will fail. Others believe that they have no real sense of rhythm, coordination, or timing
and don’t want to look foolish to others.

2. Others may put off learning to dance because they do not currently have a partner.

3. Some think they’re “too old” or “too out of shape”.

4. And then, of course, there’s procrastination – the ultimate thief.


No Fear! – Dismiss your fear of failure or looking foolish and remind yourself that everyone –
including your instructor – had to learn to dance at some point. No one is born a dancer,
so have patience with yourself.

We are all coordinated in different ways. Think of the number of things that we do every day
while talking on the phone with a friend, walking or exercising, or multitasking at work.
Life has a rhythm of its own and we all experience it every day. Your heart beats with a rhythm.
You breathe with a rhythm. And as you start learning to dance, you’ll quickly discover your
own personal rhythm and the ability to determine what style is best for you so that you
are comfortable with both the look and feel of your dance moves.

No Current Dance Partner Required – Just because you are not currently dating or married
doesn’t mean that you can’t explore the wonderful world of dancing. As a matter of fact,
it’s the best time to learn! It’s the perfect opportunity to refine your moves, or learn to dance
for the very first time, and who knows? You might just meet your new lifetime dance partner
right there on the dance floor!

No Such Thing As Too Old or Too Out of Shape – Dancing has no age limit and there are
many different styles of dance to accommodate the activity level that is most suitable for you.
And what better way to get into shape than to learn how to dance? Of course, as with any
regular fitness routine or program, you should always check with your doctor beforehand.

Procrastination: The Ultimate Thief! – One of the most exciting discoveries that you’ll make
about learning to dance once you get started is that it’s actually very easy. Anybody that is able
to walk is able to dance.

Unlike studies where you have to master a skill in order to enjoy it, you will discover that
“learning” to dance is just as much fun as dancing itself. It’s true! Learning to dance can
become a totally life-transforming experience.

Cruises, nightclubs, weddings, reunions, charity balls, and parties are always more fun when
you know how to dance. The hardest step you will ever take on your road to becoming a
good dancer is getting started!

So, there’s no need to put it off any longer! Pick up the phone and call to schedule your
first dance lesson. Order your first set of dance videos and start learning in the privacy
of your home. Just whatever you do, take action now!…and get ready for one of life’s
most wonderful experiences: Dancing!

Happy Dancing,

Blanche & Emilio


Librero’s School & Dance Club, Tampa
Since 1979…Your Place to Learn…Your Place to Dance!
Offering expert instruction in Ballroom & Latin dancing,
Argentine Tango, Swing, Wedding dances and more…

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