Our 45th Anniversary Celebration was a Blast! We had a full house, the food was delicious, and the ambience friendly as usual with a little extra elegance.
We also had a few pleasant surprises!
- Fox 13 Tampa Bay did a segment about Librero's 45th Anniversary on their "What's Right with Tampa Bay" program.
- Commissioner Harry Cohen presented us with a beautiful Proclamation from the Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners declaring June 2024 "Libreros School & Dance Club Month"
- And our amazing staff prepared a wonderful compilation from our vintage dance show videos and showed at the party. It was a heartfelt surprise that brought back many memories to us and lots of enjoyment to our members.
We want to again thank each and every one of you who made our special night such a success, and for those of you who were away and haven't yet had the opportunity to see the festivities, don't worry! Below you will find links to the news Video, the Proclamation, party photos, and the staff's video montage from our dance shows.