Category Archives for "Balance"

Dance Balance – The Elusive Quality (Part 3 of 3)

Improving Balance – The Elusive Quality (A three part series) As mentioned in the two previous issues, there are three main elements necessary to develop excellent balance: The First Element – “The Supporting Leg” (Part 1 of 3) We refer to the constant awareness of the supporting leg which is necessary for good body balance. […]

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Dance Balance – The Elusive Quality (Part 2 of 3)

Improving Balance – The Elusive Quality (A three element series) In our previous issue, we introduced the “First Element” of balance: “The Supporting Leg” This refers to the constant awareness of the supporting leg, which is essential for good body balance. It is the supporting leg that sustains the body upright. The Second Element – […]

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Dance Balance – The Elusive Quality (Part 1 of 3)

Improving Balance – The Elusive Quality (A three element series) Balance is one of the most important prerequisites to good dancing! So when we learn to dance, we gradually develop excellent balance and poise as major benefits of our practice and commitment. That said, it doesn’t always come easy in the beginning. As a matter […]

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